The Charismatic Professor

Created by Elizabeth 15 years ago
The reported brutal end of Mr. Kitts Mbeboh gives me the hives. Throughout our days at the University of Yaoundé, where he was professor, I was deeply struck at the astounding charism radiated from Kitts Mbeboh which mesmerized and endeared so many people to him. He personified wit and intelligence and seemed to hold the logic that could unravel any problem, from student, fellow professor and townsfolk alike. And we all flocked to him for his boundless generosity and assistance. “Come see me in my office,” Mr. Mbeboh always told you. And when you came to that office, you met so many students waiting outside, but he always received you and he always delivered on his promise. That office, he shared with another great mind, the late Prof. Siga Asanga; adjacent to their office was that of the venerable late Prof. Fonlon… This truly is the end of a chapter. As his students, we rushed to fill the front benches of his Modern Drama class, where, without script, Kitts Mbeboh deciphered the concepts of modern philosophy, psychoanalysis and the theater of the absurd in ways that I have not been able to grasp since, in further reading. When I learnt about Kitts Mbeboh’s violent demise, my memory settled on one lecture he gave about Samuel Becket and modern civilization. Kitts Mbeboh, demonstrated in that lecture that in many ways, human life is the unraveling of the ideal espoused by what Becket paraphrased from the Italian, Uberto Eco: "They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more." How very prophetic those words now appear! Dear brother, farewell and thank you. God bless, you. Cameroon, Africa and the world have lost a great mind! Nic Fontem