From Barrister Mrs ABANGA Marie Angele NGAMBOU on 13/08/2008

Hi all, I solemnly take it upon myself not to remain silent about the most tragic of incidents i have ever heard but to share with you some thoughts about the whole issue which has done nothing but cascade in my brain since i learnt of the incident last sunday. i'm a young aspiring and dynamic daughter of the soil recently called upon as a pupil advocate to the Cameroon Bar. I want to write about what happened to one of the most respected and admired families i was blessed to know from my bossom years until one day... i implore your indulgence not to be quck at judging like some have done or may want to do, i implore your foresight as children of the almighty NDEM to love the Sinner(pray for his conversion) and condemn the sin, i implore your wisdom in not only looking at the immediate surroundings but at the past and future which always facitlitates our comprehension of the present. yes fellow LEBANG Brethens, i have never been this schocked on learning of a sad happening. I hurt so badly i was flabergasted. i wept but i prayed hard, i offered sacrifices of holy masses and i extended my moral support to all those i could reach out to. let me seize this opportunity to remind us all that we are passers by and GOD alone is supreme. regards Barrister Mrs ABANGA Marie Angele NGAMBOU